International Golliwog Collectors Club Newsletter - Issue No. 8

News on The Golliwog Scene, by Juliet Savage

Well, once again the summer just seems to have flown by, and of course, the added attraction of GollyFest right in the middle, made it go all the faster. I was fortunate in being able to make a short trip to England to visit my family, and I was lucky enough to be able to meet with some UK members, and also talk to some of you on the phone.

I must also thank those UK members who have expressed an interest in running th UK Branch of the IGCC. At the moment, we are still trying to decide the most efficient way to run Club in the UK, and I will be contacting interested members when we have given this some thought. I am still very eager to have more input (in the way of articles, and items of interest) from UK collectors, dealers and artists, as after all, the UK is the country of the Golliwog origination. Thus one of the main functions of UK Director would probably be to gather this type of information.

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